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卡塔尔禁止球场里卖啤酒?外国网友:憋到现在才说 故意的!
来自:意甲资讯 www.360zuqiu.cn 时间:2022年11月20日 01:53


Mkpapadopoulos(新英格兰球迷):他们早就计划好了,ok?肯定不是临时起意。(So this was their plan all along, right? No way they just randomly decided to do this.)

Venca12(阿根廷球迷):没错儿,提前说禁酒的话还有几个会去啊?(I mean yeah, if they banned alcohol in advance, can you imagine how many fans would just not go there?)

Delta_Mike_Sierra_(阿森纳球迷):值得庆幸的是,爱尔兰队这次站在了(人权)道德的制高点上,并选择留在家里。(Thankfully the Irish took the moral high ground and stayed at home this time.)

Heno94(爱尔兰球迷):我们坚持原则长达20年了。(We’ve been doing that for 20 years in world cups.) 注:爱尔兰队最后一次参加世界杯是在2002年的韩日世界杯。

59reach(爱尔兰球迷):我们和意大利人,真正的人权主义者,选择留在家里。(Us and the Italians, the true supporters of human rights staying at home.)

Fern-ando(未知主队球迷):意大利让欧洲其他国家在尊重人权方面自惭形秽。(Italy puts the rest of Europe to shame about respecting human rights.)

doshcz(布拉格斯巴达球迷):卡塔尔应该庆幸我们捷克没去,否则直接宣战了。(lucky for Qatar that we Czechs are not there, that would be a declaration of war.)

longsh0t1994(爱尔兰德里城球迷):“然后我们决定女性不得进入球场,”卡塔尔补充道。(Next up: "Ok so also we decided no women in the stadiums.")

dba1990(未知主队球迷):女性露出了脚踝以上的部分身体肌肤。卡塔尔:“这就是你们的死亡集中营!!!”(Women: [show any skin above the ankle] Qatar: ”THAT’S A TRIP TO DEATH CAMPS FOR YOU!!!”)

Routine_Specialist13(未知主队球迷):温度是33度,你不能脱上衣,女人不能穿短裤,现在连啤酒都不让喝了。你卖了所有的票,然后翻脸改规矩,国际足联就这么弯腰了。(So, it's 33 degrees. You are not allowed to remove your tops, women can't wear short clothes and now you are not allowed beer. You sell all the tickets and then switch the policies and FIFA just bends over.)

the_far_yard(利物浦球迷):不弯腰怎么拎起那么一大袋子钱。(FIFA had to bend over to pick up that heavy bag of cash.)

DevilDC(加拿大球迷):请再提醒我一下,为什么是卡塔尔主办世界杯?(Ok, so please remind me again, why Qatar is hosting a winter World Cup?)


标签: 卡塔尔